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Everyday Magic

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Englisches Kinderbuch ab 8 Jahren - 

The Adventures of Alfie Blackstack


Alfie's parents have met a very unfortunate end. Now he's living in the CREEPY Switherbroom Hall with his mad-haired Aunt Gertie and warty Aunt Zita. The thing is, Alfie's aunts aren't just weird - they're WITCHES!

When the circus arrives in town Alfie makes his first ever friend, the FEARLESS Calypso. But when Calypso's sister Nova disappears, they must face the TERRIFYING Head Witch in a race to find Nova and stop the next Witch War.9


Weitere Daten zum Buch:

Seiten: 290 (Paperback)
Verlag: Canongates Books
Altersempfehlung: ab 8 Jahren
Erschienen: 2021

  • alterempfehlung: ab 7 Jahre
  • autorin: Jess Kidd
  • einband: Taschenbuch
  • Erscheinungsdatum: 01.04.2021
  • grösse: 13 x 19,7 cm
  • iSBN: 9781838850203
  • lieferzeit: 2-3 Werktage
  • seiten: 304
  • verlag: Canongate Books Ltd.